Category: For stronger rights

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
For equality for all
For stronger rights
For a sustainable future

PES Manifesto 2024

The PES Manifesto gathers the PES proposals for the European elections 2024. It was adopted by the PES Election Congress in Rome, on 2 March 2024.

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Thursday, September 30, 2021
For stronger rights

The Rise of Telework: Risks, Opportunities and New Rights

The pandemic has made office work shift towards telework and the trend is likely to continue. We want to make sure that all workers’ rights are respected in all environments, including adequate compensation, the right to disconnect and the right to collective bargaining.

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Thursday, May 20, 2021
For stronger rights

For a Society of Wellbeing

Improving people’s wellbeing is the guiding principle of our political action. That is why we fight discrimination, marginalisation, and poverty, and promote strong welfare states in Europe. That is why we invest in healthcare, education and equal opportunities for all.

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Monday, June 1, 2020
For stronger rights

Affordable and Quality Healthcare for All

The pandemic has revealed the weak spots of our healthcare systems and proved that spending on health is a good investment. We must strengthen our healthcare systems through sufficient funding and make sure everyone can access them. And we must improve Europe’s supply chain for medicines, based on the needs of our population, not on […]

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Monday, June 1, 2020
For stronger rights

Social Rights in Practice: PES Action Plan

We want a Europe of Rights and opportunities for everybody. With strong wellfare states. An open and diverse Europe, where everyone is protected and everyone contributes with their fair share.

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Thursday, September 28, 2017
For stronger rights

Digital Economy: Employment and Social Protection

The digital economy can lead to social dumping, unless it is efficiently regulated. There are workers behind apps and we are going to make sure that their rights are protected at work, in case of unemployment or illness, or that they can have a pension after they retire. Workers’ rights are our core business.

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