Category: For a sustainable future

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
For equality for all
For stronger rights
For a sustainable future

PES Manifesto 2024

The PES Manifesto gathers the PES proposals for the European elections 2024. It was adopted by the PES Election Congress in Rome, on 2 March 2024.

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Thursday, June 16, 2022
For a sustainable future

Affordable and clean energy for all

We have been leading the way in increasing EU’s climate ambitions and on track to climate neutrality in a socially just way. Addressing the climate emergency was already our priority before the pandemic and the war in Ukraine but it has now become more urgent than ever.

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Thursday, November 4, 2021
For a sustainable future

The Circular Economy

Europe’s economy is currently based on ‘take-make-consume-dispose’ model. It assumes that resources and energy are available and cheap. This publication sets out the PES policy proposals for a new model: the Circular Economy. It will deliver benefits for workers and citizens, create a stronger and more sustainable economy, and ensure our planet’s boundaries are respected.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020
For a sustainable future

Just Transition

We fully support the green transition, but we are socialists and we believe that it shouldn’t leave anyone behind. Environmental sustainability is an effort of our societies as a whole. We must accompany workers from carbon-intensive sectors, as well as families, with policies to help them. The transition must be socially sustainable.

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Saturday, December 1, 2018
For a sustainable future

A Progressive Vision for Europe’s Future

We are proudly pro-European because we believe in the foundational values of the EU: peace, democracy, prosperity and solidarity. We want to reform our common project to respond to the people’s needs, to create a more social Europe. The Future of the EU is written today!

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018
For a sustainable future

A New Fair Deal for the Eurozone and the EU

The euro is one of the most ambitious political projects of all time, but it lacks completion. The PES supports the strengthening of the single market and an EU banking and capital union. We believe that, through common rules and solidarity, we will reach upward economic convergence.

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Friday, May 20, 2016
For a sustainable future

PES Programme for Progressive Reforms

The time of austerity is over, because austerity has failed. Cutting on social spending is a bad business. We want stronger welfare states that can invest in boosting job creation and protecting citizens. We want everyone to pay their fair share for the common good.

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